Storage & Moving Services:
Moving Time Line / Check List
Eight Weeks Before Your Move:
- Call your moving company to make arrangements
- Arrange for school records to be transferred to your new schools
- Arrange for storage if needed with Fort Knox Self Storage.
- Remove items from your attic, basement, storage shed, etc.
- Start to use up things you can't move, such as frozen foods and cleaning
- Contact the chamber of commerce or visitor's and tourism bureaus in
your new community for information on your new city.
Six Weeks Before Your Move:
- If you're moving at an employer's request, verify what expenses and
responsibilities are theirs and which are yours.
- Contact the IRS and/or your accountant for information on what moving
expenses may be tax-deductible.
- Begin to inventory and evaluate your possessions. Figure out what
can be sold or donated.
- Make a list of everyone you need to notify about your move.
- Obtain a mail subscription to the local paper in your new community
to familiarize yourself with local government, community, and social
news and activities.
- Locate all motor vehicle registration and licensing documents and
check the auto licensing requirements for your destination.
- If some of your goods are to be stored, make the necessary arrangements
now. (Your moving counselor should be able to help.)
Three to Four Weeks Before Your Move:
- Notify magazines, charge accounts, insurance companies, clubs, and
other organizations of your change of address.
- Discard or sell anything you don't really need.
- Make an inventory list of the items you wish to move.
- Discuss a method of payment with your Movers In Motion agent.
- Arrange to obtain packing cartons for those items you want to pack
- Notify the Post Office and complete a Change of Address form.
- Notify friends and businesses about your change of address.
- Have your W-2s and other tax forms forwarded.
- Check and clear any unpaid tax assessments.
- Arrange for transfer of all medical and dental records.
- Transfer all insurance records.
- Have letters of introduction written, if needed.
- Arrange for transfer of school records to new school.
- Arrange for transfer of jewelry and important documents.
- Close charge accounts.
- Arrange for shipment of pets and immunization records.
- Make travel plans.
- Make hotel reservations, if necessary, and note to confirm before
Two Weeks Before Your Move:
- Collect all clothing and items to be cleaned or repaired.
- Return all borrowed items; collect things that you have loaned.
- Have all medical prescriptions refilled and check if they are refillable
at your new destination.
- Have your bank transfer your accounts and release your safe deposit
- Arrange to disconnect utility services.
- Have farewell parties and visits.
- Make arrangements to have special appliances serviced for your move.
One Week Before Your Move:
- Dispose of all flammables and explosives.
- Pack suitcases. Include all items you will need until your shipment
- Select games and books to occupy children while traveling.
- Arrange for a baby sitter for moving day so you can devote personal
attention to the move without interruption.
One Day Before Your Move:
- Finish packing personal belongings.
- Empty and defrost your refrigerator and freezer and let them air out
for at least 24 hours. Also clean and air out your stove.
- Plan a simple breakfast for moving day to eliminate refrigeration
or cooking. Use paper plates.
- Get a good night's rest.
Moving Day:
- Be available to answer your mover's inquiries, and be prepared to
give directions or have someone there authorized to do so.
- Make a last-minute check of your appliances to see that they have
been disconnected.
- Provide the driver with your travel itinerary, phone contact at destination
(if available) and delivery address.
- Strip your beds but leave contour sheets on your mattresses.
- Before leaving, check each room and closet. Make sure windows are
closed. Turn off all electric lights. Lock all doors.
Moving In:
- Be present during unloading so that you may direct the placement of
your furniture in your new home.